On your mark...Get set...GO!!!

The race is you drive across town, solving puzzles, looking for clues & answering questions...all in the hopes of reaching the final destination. But don't go too quickly, 'cause it's not the first team to the finish, but the one with the most points, that wins the Grand Prize! Keep your eyes open as you stop to take pictures and collect items. Make sure you pay attention to details, as there will be lots of bonus points to be earned along the way. Solve all of the clues to find the final Rally Point, where dinner, drinks, music, fun & prizes await.

Sign up information & dates NOW AVAILABLE!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What's New?

First, I'd like to announce that the intial clue for this run of "The Red, the White & the Blue" will not be posted to the website. This is simply to preserve the possiblity of repeating the rally in the future. If you've already signed up, look for instructions in your Team Captain's inbox.

Second, check out the latest can now receive updates via e-mail. Simply fill in the form below to subscribe. You'll receive an e-mail each day that new posts are added. No new e-mail.

That's all for now. See you at the starting line!

"The Roadmaster"

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Polls!

For everyone who missed out on the first run of "The Red, the White & the Blue," for whatever reason, please check out the two new polls I've added. Due to recent Navy-wide changes, we may find ourselves in Newport longer than initially anticipated. If so, it might be possible to run the road rally a second time. I need to guage the interest, however, and find out what month(s) work best for everyone.

Please respond only if you are SERIOUSLY considering taking part, so I can get an accurate count. Naturally, it is only open to those who did not participate the first time around. If you belong to an organization that might be interested in running the rally as a fundraiser, please contact me to discuss this possibility. I've created this event purely for fun and, therefore, collect only enough money to cover my expenses. It could be altered, however, to fit your fundraising needs. Until next time...

Have Fun!
"The Roadmaster"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Slight Delay?

I realize that there was a slight delay in the printing of the advertisement in the Navalog (printed 5/1). I apologize for any problems this may have caused. A few of you have already contacted me about putting together a team at the last minute. I understand that this can take a little time and will try to reserve a spot for you. In the meantime, if anyone else finds themself in a similar situation, please e-mail me and let me know. The registration deadline has passed, but I will try to add your team, if possible. I hope this is helpful and am looking forward to seeing everyone there!

"The Roadmaster"