On your mark...Get set...GO!!!

The race is you drive across town, solving puzzles, looking for clues & answering questions...all in the hopes of reaching the final destination. But don't go too quickly, 'cause it's not the first team to the finish, but the one with the most points, that wins the Grand Prize! Keep your eyes open as you stop to take pictures and collect items. Make sure you pay attention to details, as there will be lots of bonus points to be earned along the way. Solve all of the clues to find the final Rally Point, where dinner, drinks, music, fun & prizes await.

Sign up information & dates NOW AVAILABLE!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Questions, Questions...Who's Got The Questions?

I do...And I'd like your input. First let me say "Welcome!" to all of the first time visitors and "Welcome Back!" to any returning participants.  If you like what you see and want to join in the fun, take a few minutes to answer the polls above, so that I can begin planning the details for this year's Road Rally. Your answers will be important in ensuring that as many people can participate, as possible. More participants=More fun! If you have any other comments, please leave them at the bottom of this post. Get your engines tuned's almost GO time!

'Til then,
"The Roadmaster"