On your mark...Get set...GO!!!

The race is you drive across town, solving puzzles, looking for clues & answering questions...all in the hopes of reaching the final destination. But don't go too quickly, 'cause it's not the first team to the finish, but the one with the most points, that wins the Grand Prize! Keep your eyes open as you stop to take pictures and collect items. Make sure you pay attention to details, as there will be lots of bonus points to be earned along the way. Solve all of the clues to find the final Rally Point, where dinner, drinks, music, fun & prizes await.

Sign up information & dates NOW AVAILABLE!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keep 'Em Comin'

First let me say that I am really excited about the enthusiastic response I have been receiving. It looks like this is shaping up to be quite a blast. With that in mind, I would like to encourage everyone to post comments and questions directly to the website, so that I can address any questions/concerns to everyone at the same time. Allow me to clarify a few points now.

A few people have asked if it would be beneficial to be familiar with the area. This is a definite "YES!" It sort of "goes with the territory" that familiarity with streets, etc. will help you to get around much more easily and, therefore, quickly. However, possession of a good map (or two) should allow anyone to be able to complete the road rally. Hint: there are various free maps available at the Gateway Visitor's Center on America's Cup Ave.

A point on costumes: These can be as intricate or as simple as you choose. You may take the theme literally or stretch it as far as your imagination will allow. That is entirely up to you. It just makes the road rally more fun (running around in public dressed like a bunch of bumbling buffoons!) and signifies to others that you are participating in an event. Plus... it makes your pictures that much more memorable!

As far as children are concerned, the rally is designed for adults. However, those of you with older children may wish to invite them to participate. Those with younger children may bring them along in their car (even though they are not team members), but this is not very conducive to getting around quickly and, therefore, not recommended. If you do not want to leave your children with a babysitter for more than a few hours, you may bring them along to the dinner/party (see Qualification tab SIGN UP section). On the other hand, you are certainly free to take a night for yourselves to participate in "Grown-up Time."

On a similar note...the puzzles/questions in this road rally are designed to be DIFFICULT (though not entirely impossible). Keep this in mind when deciding who will participate. The intention is to reduce the likelihood that any team will complete everything and receive full points, thereby reducing the likelihood of a tie.

As a reminder, the road rally begins with this website. Do not overlook this important fact, as it may cause you problems "getting out of the gate" and lead to unnecessary "pitstops" further down the road.

"The Roadmaster"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Change of plans

I must apologize, but, due to an unforseen scheduling conflict, the road rally will be pushed back to May 9. I hope this doesn't cause too many problems for those of you who have already marked the date on your calendar. Please view the updated sign up information for deadlines, etc.

"The Roadmaster"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sign Me Up!

Please check out the Qualification tab above SIGN UP section on the right for information regarding admission, as well as instructions on how to sign up for the road rally. You will notice that there is an option available for parents to bring their children with them to the dinner/party, even if they do not participate in the road rally. Given the length of time of the event, you may wish to pick up your children after you've completed the rally portion. Just be sure to provide the number/ages of children with your sign-up information. Keep in mind that there will be a limited number of teams, so don't wait until the last minute to sign up.

Reservations will be confirmed when payment is received.

"The Roadmaster"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let's GO!

You'll notice that I've finalized and posted the date and time of the rally. Sign-up information will become available later this evening, when I get some more free time. Until then, mark your calendars, tell your friends and get your driving gloves ready!

"The Roadmaster"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Life's a Journey... it appears I may have been mistaken about the e-mail thing, but it would be a nice feature (don't you think?). I'm sure that's something they'll add in the future. For now, you'll just have to check back for updates. At least following displays your little picture for everyone else to see! It's nice to know who's out there.

"The Roadmaster"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Follow Me!!

Hey everyone...
You may have noticed that I've added a "following" section to the right side column. I've never used this before, but I believe it gives you the option of having new posts e-mailed to you as they appear on the website. Give it a try and let me know what you think. I believe you just need a Google account (which is very easy to set up, if you don't already have one).

"The Roadmaster"

P.S. Date, time and sign-up information should become available in the next week, so keep your eyes open! (Potential dates: April 25, May 2)