On your mark...Get set...GO!!!

The race is you drive across town, solving puzzles, looking for clues & answering questions...all in the hopes of reaching the final destination. But don't go too quickly, 'cause it's not the first team to the finish, but the one with the most points, that wins the Grand Prize! Keep your eyes open as you stop to take pictures and collect items. Make sure you pay attention to details, as there will be lots of bonus points to be earned along the way. Solve all of the clues to find the final Rally Point, where dinner, drinks, music, fun & prizes await.

Sign up information & dates NOW AVAILABLE!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Up & "Running"

I'm sure you can imagine that Christmas shopping and planning has taken over my time for the last several weeks. It seems, however, that I've finally been able to get things up to par (just in time for the holidays!). "Thank you" to everyone who provided me feedback/suggestions. You'll see that they've all been taken into consideration. I have yet to determine the rally date, but am hoping to focus on that first thing in 2009. As soon as that is finalized, sign up information will become available. Check back soon. Until then, have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

"The Roadmaster"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well...Here it is...the website for my "First Annual" Road Rally. Everything you need to know about the event will be posted right here (including the first clue!). Check back for updates as it gets closer to the Rally Time. Any suggestions/input would be greatly appreciated as I update the site with rules, info., etc... Until next time...

"The Roadmaster"